狭山茶 いぶき(50gクラフトパッケージ)/目覚めの朝に緑茶ですっきり!保管に便利なクラフトパック/SAYAMA TEA【Ibuki 50g Craft paper bag】
¥660 税込
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狭山茶農家 ささら屋の手掛ける『さやまかおり』品種シングルオリジンの上級煎茶です。
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狭山茶農家 ささら屋の手掛ける『さやまかおり』品種シングルオリジンの上級煎茶です。


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■About the tea leaves
Ibuki is a Sayamakaori single origin tea that is grown at Sasaraya’s farm. It has a distinctive aroma and bitterness which should be perfect tea to wake yourself up in the morning or when you need to clear your head.

■Package design
This item will be delivered to you in a simple craft bag with a picture of chicken which represents Ibuki’s concept “start off the morning with a cup of Ibuki”.
This self-standing bag will be perfect as a preservation bag too.
Why don’t you pick this item as a little gift to your friends?

■Our recommended method to brew Ibuki
1) Place about 5g of Ibuki in a tea pot.
2) Pour about 300ml of hot water (90〜100℃) and leave it about 30 seconds.
3) Pour the tea into tea cups. * Make sure to pour out at the last drop.
4) You can also enjoy strong flavour and bitterness. Please try with high temperature (about 100℃) water from the second extraction.
*Please note this brewing method is just for your reference to maximise Ibuki’s roasting aroma and bitterness.

■Important notice about delivery
・This item will be delivered in simple packaging.
・Please contact us immediately via inquiry form if you find any damage or fault in the items.
¥660 税込